File ID f093p0044
DescriptionStudents at the People's University Art Academy designed the floats for the American Woman's League Convention parade. In this photograph, students, including honor student Christina Kiehl (behind the model, facing forward), are at work on the model for the float representing the sculpture division. This may have been a demonstration photograph, because three students are holding calipers and four are holding mallets and chisels. The float representing the League itself with models of George Julian Zolnay's lions and sphinxes is just visible on the left.
SourcePhotograph, laminated, holes upper right corner and right side, 9.60" by 7.50"
SubjectKiehl, Christina
SubjectUniversity City (Mo.)--Pictorial Works
SubjectArt Academy (University City, Mo.)
SubjectAmerican Woman's League--Convention
Subject.KeywordPeople--Missouri--University City
Subject.KeywordParades--Missouri--University City
TitleStudents working on the float representing sculpture for the American Woman's League Convention parade

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